
Shoppers,browsers,and those in need of a little inspiration are welcome any time at Rose Harvest. Come in for great decorating ideas, gift suggestions or some "me-time"


Gorgeous things for your favourite space


Welcome to Rose Harvest,this site is updated regularly with photos and information about new stock,specials,daily happenings and favourite things.Feel free to browse through our post archive,just click on "older posts" at the end of each page,or "blog archive" on the lower right hand side. Our contact details are phone 0350211757 at 85 Langtree Avenue Mildura if there is anything we can help you with, cheers from Sue,Linda and Jodie,Vikki,Cheryl and Suzie

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Time to Catch Up

After one month of our new store being open, and the Christmas rush over, it's time to catch our breath and do all of those little things ( like posting photos on our webpage!) that were overlooked in the crazy rush.  Thankyou to all of our customers who have supported our new venture, we are overhwhelmed with our first month of trading.  Sorry things are looking a little bare at the moment, but we will replenish all of the empty spaces with fresh new stock in the next few weeks. We still have lots of lovely pieces to decorate your home,and will always welcome anyone with time to stop by for a browse.  Warmest wishes for a wonderful 2012 , it's going to be a great year.

Monday, December 26, 2011


Rose Harvest will be open today at our 85 Langtree Avenue store from 10am to 2pm, and 11am to 2pm at our 42 Langtree Avenue store (river end of Langtree )

Friday, November 25, 2011

Almost there......

With only five more days until opening our new store at 85 Langtree Avenue, it is almost ready. Lots of lovely things arrived yesterday , not everything will be here in time but I think we have enough to open the doors next Thursday. Hope to see you there:)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

Counting Down

We ae definitely on countdown now, 12 days to go. Things are progressing well, and most of the heavy work is over.  We have been busy unpacking many many boxes of stock, and it's getting a little more exciting !